
Två sjuksköterskestudenter som ska överleva en hel termin "down under!" Följ oss på våran resa!


Publicerad 2014-11-17 09:03:20 i Allmänt,

After a week of intense sstudying and going in to hibernation the dreadful day has come and is now finally accomplished! We have done our practical examination and hopefully passed it with Grace! Patrik did a super good handover and we worked well as teammates! :) now we only have three more written exams to go with a countdown of 8 days! Wohoo!
The best thing now is that the next exams have an overall grade so with our previous assignment scores means that we basically just need a few point to pass the whole unit/course! It's such a relief to know that!

But it's back to the books for now!
Bamse kramar från Molly Malin


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