
Två sjuksköterskestudenter som ska överleva en hel termin "down under!" Följ oss på våran resa!

this week so far

Publicerad 2014-10-18 09:56:06 i Allmänt,

Where do I begin? What haven't I seen and what haven't I done this weak?
Margaret River was an amazing little city with many sightseeing things to see and visit. I got to enjoy the deliciousness of their famous chocolate factory, the quietness and darkness of their caves and got to live in the nature park. For this, all I had to do was pull out some weeds with some amazing people in the pouring rain and sweep the floor until I got blisters! Haha I'm trying to only see the positive aspects of it all! However, we did not get the chance to try their amazing wine so that's going to be whole New trip in itself!  
After that I finally got to have a fika again with Patrik and catch up on all the excitement of our trips! And hit each other for all the missed yellow cars! 
Anyways, this weak has been swamped with getting the hang of the nursing procedures here in Australia. It's hard, it's new, but ever so exciting! They have more patient contact, they seem to have more knowledge about some aspects but sometimes lack in different scenarios. I think they could learn a lot from the Swedish procedures but at the same time, we could also learn a lot from Australia. Like hygiene and team work and patient treatments as well as the documentation! They right all patient notes by hand and a majority of the time you guess what is written! Just imagine everything written in by a doctor with their handwriting! But other than that I'm learning their meds, how to read and right charts, what to be specially carefully with and how they operate. 
The second week has gotten better and I'm getting the hang of it, however I'm learning which nurses irritate me the most. The worst part is that I have to walk beside this nurse twice already! But I smile and wave like I always do.
Last weekend was spent doing adventures like speed boating and getting Tora pierced in the nose, and being disappointed that the Glow Party I was so excited for got Cancelled. The speed boating started out Amazingly with a bright blue sky and the sun burning on our backs. My anticipation was that we where going to get a few splashes and then speed through the waves....I anticipated wrong. WE GOT DRENCHED in sea water! Afterwards we had to pick a restaurant that wanted to seat our wet bums! And boy did we pick a yummy restaurant! SEA FOOD by the mass!
When we finished we walked over to a Piercing parlor and I easily managed to convince Tora to get her piercing. She wasn't expecting it and I shocked her when I booked a time for her at the counter but she did it and she looks amazing in it!
Now that the prac has been flying by and there is only one week left I am actually relieved that I soon get to go back to the classrooms. The Prac takes a lot of time as well as steals your energy. However I managed to find some spare energy this Friday and tried the Hospital bar they have here...Its almost like they are sponsoring alcohol!
I can also say that I just handed in my second assignment that I have been dwelling over the whole weekend! And i only got 12% on our turnitin which means that I basically used my own word throghout the assignment! Go ME!
Oh and when you are reading this, I was meant to post this three weeks ago! so sorry the days are a bit off but another post is soon going to be posted again!! with lots of new updates! 


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